I went to lunch in Silver Lake the other day. It has been many years since I’ve been to a restaurant in my old ‘hood and as soon as I walked into the restaurant I was like, “oh yeah, Silver Lake.” And then I chuckled. It’s hipsters all the way down. I love that neighborhood, I love the hills and the reservoir, I do not miss feeling like I was the world’s most normal person around the world’s most interesting people. I used to worry about things like that. Not that I’m some evolved 40+ year old, but my concerns lean more toward “is the food good here?” rather than “is what I’m wearing stupid?” (I still worry that what I am wearing is stupid, but it doesn’t stop me from going to places wearing stupid things that are probably not stupid, just deeply deeply normal and boring.)


We have a couch. I hate the couch. It was an expensive couch. It’s very Modern/Scandi. It was once nice, but is terrible now. The arms are off because they were getting ruined. The cushions won’t stay on. The children have… childrened it and I keep saying “Let’s get a new couch!” and we get flummoxed by the price of couches, the material options, the fact that our living room is weirdly arranged because S won’t let go of a stupid table that ruins the flow.

I sat on a couch today that was fine. It was not what I would call super comfy, but it had arms and wasn’t stained and it didn’t feel like a couch in an agency waiting room, so it had that going for it but it didn’t feel like a couch I wanted to spend $2k on. I need someone else to just miraculously find a couch that I love and that is very comfortable and will have a good fabric and interesting legs and the pillows won’t end up on the floor because even though my children are not babies they still seem feral around couch pillows and then deliver it to me and it won’t be $2500. Maybe good couches are just expensive? Maybe I am a Boomer and think couches should be around $1500 and that is just wrong.


What am I doing here? I don’t even know but I’m gonna keep doing it and see what happens! It could be stupid, it might only last for March. Let’s worry about that tomorrow!